Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Study On Reliability Engineering

Understanding of Reliability Engineering

Chapter 1: Introduction

The reliability engineering uses engineering concepts and its rules that is related with time. This is one of systematic approach of determining products or systems reliability that takes place during its life cycle. The industry that produces the system and products requires reliability engineering. The reliability engineering also deals with the improvement of understanding areas of pinpointing product. The failure isn’t canceled by the use of reliability but is to pinpoint the possibility of failure of system and products. This also gives the way to mitigate these actions to another.
The evaluation using reliability has number of analysis which vary with the phase of system and its life cycle. The design of system and changes could be made after the through reliability analysis. The engineer required for this analysis are quality engineer, design engineer, test engineer and reliability engineer. The industry requires reliability for following reasons and they are: Company’s Reputation, Satisfaction of customers, Cost of warranty, Analysis of cost and requirement of customers.
This paper gives the detail brief of reliability engineering and focuses on its current development of analyzing risk. In the modern industry and its technologies, it is found to be most fundamental aspect. As stated above reliability provides quantification on possibility of system failure and also gives protective measures. The number of components has equipped with the barrier that protects it from being failed to operate. These products could be system, software, hardware and human as well. The main objective is to decrease the potentiality of failure of systems. The approach that are being used in the early days are to identify all the possible event sequence that gives raise to worst case. Another approach is to determine consequences and make a framework for the safely barriers to prevent the product from being failed. 
The design of the products are made to withstand all the above list that takes it to worse cases. With this the industry could move to the way of unnecessary approach and barrier for the products. The cost of products are found to be higher with this approach to illuminate risk. As it is not useful in the modern technology of this world, the more advanced and quantitative approach has been undertaken with more accurate framework of design. It was earlier used in nuclear and aerospace as these missions involve huge amount of investments. The probabilistic risk was being used after brief research on this modern approach. The system safely has been handled properly with this probabilistic risk analysis approach. All the other sceneries are also taken into consideration with this approach which is not limited to only occur cases.
The next section describes the history of reliability engineering and its evaluation. The 3rd chapter describes the current use of reliability engineering and a case study of company. Similarly, the discussion part is about the complete discussion of traditional approach and modern and how they differ.

Chapter 2: History 

The reliability was introduced in the world in 1800s by Samuel T. Coleride. The framework were used during the early ages and it grew with the treatment of quantitative. The statistics and probability is the main theory behind the reliability engineering and this has taken its place in engineering. Mostly it was used in gambling and other purpose for prediction. At early 1900, there took practical use of this concept of reliability that was on the products. The industry needed this part of reliability to be implemented to get better result and good benefits. The vacuum tube was developed and it has number of failure which lead to research that included the reliability engineering into action. The data of failure and its main cause where recorded and on the next products, all these were taken care of. Specially, projects that were funded by military first started this concept. As the result, it lead to quantitative reliability.
The scientist and researchers in last two decades has found that there has been stunning increase in the reliability engineering. Nowadays, the modern economy has taken over the industry with better reliability of products and systems. The products on the traditional approach were given more value to products. On the other hand, today's approach gives value to the performance and services provided by the products which has enhanced the customer satisfaction. The industry has got its views changed over the decades and it has led to more attention to services. The failure isn’t the main concern but the services are.
The reliability engineering is one of the well-used and multidisciplinary scientifically. There are mainly number of question are being used to analysis the uncertainty and failure of products. The system failure is being determined and its reliable system is being developed. Along with these the design of system is most important along with its management. 

Chapter 3: Case Study 

The prediction of the reliability of the products from the industry is one of major pre-case is undertaken. The case study is based on the Hardware's Confidence interval and its prediction for reliability. This has number of purpose during development life cycle. The thermal stress as well as electrical effect can be observed using it during design stage. When the products are ready reliability is used for setting up of target on field. The field failure rate could differ from predicted to worse. This can be overcome with the idea of providing free products to be failure products by the company. In the case of warranty, similar procedure is undertaken providing new products to the customers.
The reliability prediction is required by the business that can be found in number of companies. Number of models embraced this development on it. This chapter deals with the description of reliability predication of the electronic systems. The company for the case study is D-link for digital telephone switch, internet router etc.


There are number of approaches that are used for prediction of reliability. The sum of uncorrelated variables are added with their variance is one of the common method. The computer aided design is used to test all the condition that the processor could face and might get damaged. These CAD program are platform for automatic condition checking with manual instruction. There is database on this program that stores the entire failure component's issue and has 96% of confidentiality rate. There are number of other prediction that is followed with precise observation.

Modeling for reliability:

The reliability model is done using subassembly that gives the description about product assembly. As the number of small components are put together while assembling, it is found to be easy to predict the reliability of final products. We obtain the equation for lifetime variable for components and they are:
F(t) = F1(t)…Fn(t)                                               3.1
h(t)= h1(t)+…….+hn(t)                                     3.2

Here, The distribution of life is being given by F and h. The equation is applicable with independent components. There are two parts for the experiment that is performed by D-link.

Circuits boards and its composition:

The above part gives the description of product reliability prediction but here the new circuit board is taken into consideration for the D-link company. There are number of components on the circuit board and they are as given as Microprocessors, gates, oscillator, Ram, and capacitors. These newly designed's board's thermal analysis is taken and the table is given below for above products.
Board Location
IC 1
IC 2.4
Y 1
IC 3.1
C 1-C 50

 Database of Component failure:

This database is constructed for the process of collecting all the information regarding failure of components. Alone with this the thorough analysis is also done for rate of failure calculation. The D-link takes the database collection in number of two stages. There are 330 components on the board that were described above. After the data collection is completed, there is thermal analysis undertaken for the components. The analysis is done using thermal analysis tools and software.

Chapter 4: Discussion

Taking place at scientific discipline in 1900s, Reliability engineering has taken critical place in industry that produces products. The traditional approach used the all necessary measure for the product to be good on the field and last long. This made the product more expensive and unnecessary products were added as well. Nowadays, there are a lot of challenges that the reliability engineering is facing. The software and the tools have made it much easier to mitigate the failure of products. The customers are provided with the new products upon failure. One of the examples in the recent time could be taken as SAMSUNG note mobile phone. The field failure by the battery has made the company to take back all these model of products and provide refund to the customers. The field failure could get worse and this is one of the real time examples.
The classic approach has been undertaken by modern reliability analysis. The accident environment is created and simulated to test the products and its extreme capability of withstanding these conditions. When these are performed, number of equipment are taking close look over the products and its temperature and other aspects as well. The framework by carlo, takes the use of history of product and its failure report. This framework makes analysis and sequences of event from the past history and design of the product over the years along with the component changes.

Even with all these advanced technology, there is risk and its challenge to reliability engineering. 

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