Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Future Network System Security: Analysis and Recommendations


The network security is one of the most important concern of any individual or organization who are connect to other network or internet. Even though the network are made more and more advanced there is a way to compromise it. This makes network vulnerable and data are unprotected. For any organization the data are one of the most valuable assets that is capable to take the whole organization down. Number of security measure has been introduced and are being followed in recent days. The attacks could be launched from outside and inside the network as well. Most of the network are protected with firewall, antivirus and intrusion detection strategies and this need to be made more advanced in the future. The future of network security could be different from today. The network could be equipped with artificial intelligence for detection and preventing it from attacks. Rapid development in network and software could be made advanced that strengthen the security. The risk is always constant for organization that makes it more concern about taking advance security measures.


The information and data are vulnerable when the network is connect to other network. These is always treat to the data form outside attackers and insider as well. The internet has made information accessible from anywhere in the world. Attackers are always trying to steal information, manipulate or change it. There are number of methods from which the attacks get into the network and its security. These include virus, malware, Dos, worms and Trojans etc. For such cases after being attacked, there are systems like Intrusion detection systems, anti-malware scanners, SSL and antivirus. Everything nowadays runs by network and made connected to internet. Compromising of such devices and network make thing difficult in daily life as well. The transaction and many banking deals are done on internet. The maximum level of security is being provided to such activities even though it is at very high risk. One organization is fully dependent on the network security and its policies.
It is found that data over internet is most vulnerable and hence encryption technology is followed to insure its protection even if it is hijacked. Inside the network, there could be attack done by insider to destroy the organization and its valuable assets. The network is hidden with firewall that protects the network from outside attacks. It keeps eye on all the data that comes and goes out from the network. There are three types of network security. Security by obscurity is network that is not known to world and is made isolated from other networks. Defense in perimeter network are protected from other networks with firewall that separates it. Defense in depth network is one of the modern approach that is complex and has capability to handle any kind of attacks. The sub division of network is done which are protected separately with number of network security measures. There is very less risk from the attackers in such type of network internally or externally.        

Background of the Study

2.1    Network Security

The network has to be secured from the attackers and it should be protected from being vulnerable. The organization spends huge amount of capital on the security and data protection measures. The network consists of protocols from which the data are exchanged from one to another. The open systems interface model is used for development of the network that has number of advantages. This system give the flexibility, modularity and standard protocols that could be modified in the layers. This system is to be made secured and that can be done using number of various security techniques.
The whole network is made secured with implementation of security measures. These measures are implemented everywhere in the network including router, data transfer, hardware, software, authorization and many more. Securing the transmission is one of task of the firewall. It also handles the data that comes and goes out of the network. These could be hardware and software firewall both has quite different functions but does have same purpose. Protecting the network from hackers and viruses that are being continuously received by organization is done using firewall and introduction detection systems.
The development of secured is not an easy task it requires through analysis of the organization and what the organization has to protect. Few thing are taken in account to develop the secured network. The CIA model is followed to develop secured network that are:
  •          Confidentiality

         The information and data in the network need to be remained confidential and secured.
  •          Integrity

        The data has to be whole and quality should be constant. This says that there shouldn’t be any           modification in the original data.
  •          Authenticity

        This involves the proof of identification. Authenticity can be verified through authentication.             The biometrics authentication method is an example.

2.2    Architecture of the Internet

Revolution of the internet has made this world small. The communication can be established with anyone one who are connected to the internet. Internet is a network where millions of computers are connected to each other using router and the protocol that is being followed in data transfer. For the transmission of the data, few functions are requires like addressing, data formatting, routing, forwarding and error recovery. This was the initial internet architecture which was modified over the years and made more functional. The major building block of internet architecture are as given below:

2.2.1    Data formatting

The information and data are transferred over the internet on set of data format. The data are in the form of digital that is 0’s and 1’s. Hence these data are encrypted in packets which is collection of data of fixed size which is defined by IP protocols. This protocol is implemented in all the data transfer over the internet. The packets are sent and received from one end to the other using IP address that determines where the packet should land or at which system. TCP and UDP are being defined over the top of IP. Packet encapsulation

The basic and most fundamental unit of information is the packet that is being transferred over internet carrying data. The basic format of packet is that it consists of a header with a IP address and body with data to be transferred. The packet is transferred through TCP/IP protocol stack.

Fig. 1: Packet encapsulation IP header

This contains the number of fields that are explained below:
·         Type of service
It is 8-bit value that indicates quality of service desired for the packet.
·         Total length
It is 16-bit value that indicates total length of IP packet in bytes.
·         Header checksum
This checks the error and helps in correcting if the data are incorrect.
The diagram below gives the full description of the data and its format. The IP header has many

Fig. 2: IP header

2.2.2    Addressing

The port has been part of TCP and UDP header formats. The network with the host portions has 32bit value that is known for IP address. The IP address is usually represented in dotted form for easy understanding. Four bytes are written in their decimal in which it is partitioned into 32 bits separated by dots. For example, “”. Subnet mask

This consists of two blocks having bits. One is Network bits and other one is Host bits. The network are interfaced in subnet mask and should be assigned the same block of network that is subnet prefix. DNS and DHCP

It isn’t easy remember which makes it difficult to configure manually. The configuration requires rite combination of IP address, subnet mask and gate way address. There are two protocols to help out with this problem. NAT and IPv6
With the rapid development of internet over the years has made crisis of IP address. The bit address provides number of unique address. In 32bit there could be 4billions of IP address that is unique to each other. Many IP are reserved for special purpose like broadcast and multicast etc. The solution for the above problem is NAT (network address translation). The network’s connection goes through this server that replaces the source address and other number of every outgoing packet with unique address. The upgrading of the IP protocol from 4 to 6 is required for making it advance and has new features.

2.2.3    Routing

Dynamic routing is essential that maintains the forwarding tables. This is well associate with the forward communication of the computer and network. There are two types of routing, they are:
  •          Intra-domain routing
  •          Inter domain routing

2.3    Common Ways of Network Attack

The weakness inside the network causes most of the treats to the network. Technological weakness of the network is made by TCP/IP protocol, Operating system and Network equipment. These create the threats on the network security and results in compromising factors. Similarly, the configuration weaknesses are unsecured user accounts, system accounts with easily guessed passwords and unsecured default settings. All these are the indirect threats to the organization that could leak the information or damage the entire network. The policy of the network are to be made strong by making written security policies. Its continuity plays an important role as well.
The current and common threats to network security are as given below:

2.3.1    Unstructured threats

Using of hacking tools what scripts and cracks password can damage the company valuable assets.

2.3.2    Structured threats

These come from well highly motivated hackers who has knowledge of system vulnerabilities and cause serious damage to organization. They use Viruses and worms to create the back door into the organization network and lead the information or damage the system. Similarly there are number of threats inside structured. They are:

2.3.3    Virus

A program code that runs automatically and cause serious damage to the system. It has replicating power and keeps on duplicating and copying.

2.3.4    Trojan Horses

It do not have the ability to replicate themselves like viruses but cause serious damage.

2.3.5    SPAM

It is junk email one of a kind that highjacks email account and sends viruses to other friends.

2.3.6    Phishing        

A form of theft identify which is done online. It cause the person to enter email address, password, bank account into the fake page designed to hack.

2.3.7    External threats        

This could come from outside the organization who don’t have authorized access to company’s system or network.

2.3.8    Packet Sniffer           

The hacking of packet from the network when it is send from one to another is done using packet sniffer. The sensitive information are leaked and cause organization a great loss.

2.3.9    Internal threats         

This comes from within the organization. Someone who has authorized access to network. Such type of threats could be handled by the policies and physical security measures.

2.4    Internet Security Technologies

The internet is one of the most critical area where the data are found to be vulnerable at the peak. The computer needs to be well secured if one doesn’t want intrusion to interfere with his/her data. There are few technologies developed for the internet security, they are:

2.4.1    Network layer security

TCP/IP needs to be protected and this can be achieved using cryptographic and other security protocols. For the security of network layers, it includes SSL that manages the traffic and PGP.

2.4.2    Security of internet protocol (IPsec)

Its main aim is to protect the TCP/IP communication with secured approach. This security measures are taken into account by internet task force. The main task of IPsec is securing the AH and ESP, key management, encryption and authentication.

2.4.3    Tokens

Number of sites offer the random security token for specific purpose to verify and make site protected from being attacked. The site is made aware of the device details that helps in finding the attackers.

2.4.4    Email Security

The email attack are found quick high as it can be easily manipulated and information could be leaked. The email is encrypted and send over the internet to the targeted person account. Hacker could read the message in the middle and manipulate it. The encrypted message is impossible to read and it can’t be changed that easily.

2.4.5    Firewall

There are different types of firewall whose purpose is to secure the internet data. There is great role of firewall in web security as it restricts the incoming harmful packets from unknown source.  This provides the checkup between an internet private networks. Packet filter firewall, state-full packet inspection and application level firewall are the types of firewall.

Literature Review

3.1    Recent Development in Network Security

The industry requires its own level of security over the internet and network that is difficult to maintain. The policies vary from organizations to protect the data on the internet. The recent development in network security are:

3.1.1    Adaptive network security

This security measure can keep eye on the network for virus, vulnerability, real time changes on the system. This system of adaptive network works automatically and does following actions they are:
  •          Block malicious threats
  •          Protect the end point
  •          Act on protocols being provided.
  •           These are the main functions of adaptive network.

3.1.2    Intrusion detection system

This is software based approach that protects the network before and after attacks. This system monitors all the activity on the network.

3.2.3    SSL

This improves the security of customer and online transection called SET. The main aim of this security is to protect the data which are used over internet for the bank transactions and shopping.

3.2    Future Trends in Network Security

In the future, the security would be more concerned topic as the more advanced approach of intrusion are being developed and used. The internet needs to be made more secured. The security methods has to be hybrid in nature to fight against the threats. Similarly biometrics has been use in high security purpose like military applications. The network can be made to work together with other approach of internet security. The hybridization of the network security could be found more effective and can handle any kind of threats on the data. The encryption approach could be made more and more secured.

3.3    Recommendations for Robust Security

The RNS is a protocol used for establishing secure communication over set of media access control and physical layer (802.11) wireless network. It has 4-way handshake and group key handshake as well by authentication services and port access control. The four handshakes are being described in the figure below.

Fig. 3: 4ways-handshakes

This handshake is designed using authentication procedure for the wireless client. The client and supplicant can prove to each other that they are known the Pre-shared Key and Pairwise Master Key (PMK) with disclosing these keys. An encrypted message are being exchanged that can only be read by using Pairwise Master Key (PMK). If other device doesn’t decrypt the message the 4ways handshake doesn’t carry out. The protection of the PMK from malicious access points is critical.


The security measures few years before being operated using password and identification which couldn’t establish all kind of security requirement. In recent days there have been development of various biometric which are based on physiological and behavioral of network and person. These authenticate whether the individuals are genuine or not. The use of personal computers, private files has been rapidly protected using firewalls and different protocols. The biometrics are being used for security purpose that includes finger prints, eye, voice detector etc. The biometrics devices are being continuously improving over days and years, becoming one of the best and convenient way of security.
The biometrics and other technology are becomes more acceptable in securing the data. The combining of Internet security technologies with biometrics might be the future of internet security and data protection.

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