Monday, February 6, 2017

Depth Idea about Web Content Management Systems and their comparison


The content management system provides the easy and user friendly content for the editing of web page and other operations. The Content management system one of a type of Enterprise version 2. This provides support and easy access to the editor who has less knowledge of web technology. It is used in different sectors like business, commerce, online shopping and many other applications. The main advantage of content management system is that it doesn’t require advance knowledge of web and provide environment to do different operations on the contents.
The organization requires content management system for the intranet network. The new concept is going to be implemented into the organization replacing old system of web technology. The existing system of organization has good CSS-based web that consists of all the department. The purposed system that the organization need the engineers to implement is the modern content management system. This report analysis all the possible services that can be implemented on this sector of the organization providing the maximum benefit to both the organization and the customers.
One of the effective web concept is content management system that can be used in the intranet network of the organization. This technique of web can be used and maintained by the organization with all effective and necessary requirements.

1.1      Overview

The report on the content management system covers all the systems on this latest web contents technique that are being used. This report includes the overview of all the system that could be implemented in the organization. The interface that is being used is central. The operation that the content management is that it provides the option to delete, edit and upload other contents on the network. The features of content management system is that it can be done offline as well. The older version required internet and the server was located to a separate place.

1.2      Requirement Analysis

1.2.1    Problem Definition

To analyze the organization’s existing system and replace it with the latest version of content management system.


The weighted scoring model is one of the way to determine that changes are required for the betterment of the organization. This scoring model is given to the employee and the rating is being fix for the prior implementation of the changes which are to be made. The field that are over rated need to be implemented with good investigation. It is the indication that which field of the organization isn’t functional and requires to be modified. The team decides to take the feedback from the employee and get is on the ratting card that is being in the table below. The table contains of evaluation criteria that is the part of organization web.

Description of the criteria
Weightage in percent
Open source

Proprietary Software

Hardware Requirements
New systems
Software and license Requirements
License of software.
Design of the system
Modification on existing design
Charges regarding Maintenance
To replay the damaged ones and old systems.
Architecture of new design
Hiring new crew for the deployment

Total value and percent
Table 1 - Scoring model (weighted)



The content management system is being used widely. The CMS are being used to manage and facilitate other contents and creation. There are different type of content management system that provides the organization flexibility of providing and editing content on the page. They are as given below:
·         Open source
·         Software as a Service(SaaS)
·         Proprietary Software

1.4.1    OPEN SOURCE:

This open source are found over internet and can be edited and managed. The open source gives wide range of option. The open source are being maintained by the developers all over all world for free. These source are available on the internet for everyone and with variety of options. These software can be hosted by anyone. These software are hosted by the user and the servers. The hosting is not found to be free but the software are free. There are many open source platforms. They are as given below:
·         Word-press
·         Joomla
·         Drupal and
·         DotNetNuke
These are one of the most used open source software for the web content. The software that provide various options and facilities are being given. The word press is found to be one of the most used open source web content management system. There are different issues with the open source and they are as given below:
·         The website that are being built on the open source  are not free but found to be much cheaper than other services
·         Other support are not found like in other systems.
·         The design cannot be moved to other CMS.
·         It might bring insecurity.
Few of the example of open source content management system are as given below:
Word press
This was started decade ago with the idea of making the content management system available for everyone without any restriction. This gives millions site in today’s word to present itself in the world. It is found as open source project all over the world and are used for the websites providing freedoms in different sectors. The content management system is used for the blogging system and other plugin and widgets as well as themes. This provides on limitation and restriction and can be edited to any extent by own.
This is content management which is also found online for free and gives the build function for the web designing and for other powerful applications. It is found to be most easy to use and provide variety of options on creating the site.  The Joomla is used for making different websites like corporate websites, corporate intranets and other online reservations. This framework provide easy to build functions for inventory systems, complex directories regarding business and other application bridges.

1.4.2    Proprietary Systems

These proprietary system are available in different variety that are being provided by the software developers. The content management system are being created by these organization. This has been taken over by the open source solutions that has advanced the Content management systems. There are many issues in this system that include the organization. The organization are responsible for the development of these systems targeting the particular users. All responsibility about the website is taken by the organization that develop the system. These systems need to be updated with time and it is done only by that particular organization. These organization has trade mark over the product. These production are good for the organization only if these following are present:
·         The presentation on the online is more important and has to focus the specific business.
·         The functionality of the organization require more of the presentation and the other fields
·         The design of the system is more focused rather than other fields
·         The design of the content management is more important rather than the development of the software and its maintenance by own.
·         All the responsibly is carried out by the software developing organization.
The key issues are being given and considered while choosing this system of content management system. These key issues are as given below:
·         The company that develop these software might vanish with time but it is required by use that the system works properly with good function.
·         The ownership of the product should be handed over to the organization.
·         These content management system become old with latest technology and all required to be updated and made up to data with the time.

1.5      Share point

The share point is one of the most used content management system by the organization. It provides number of facility for the users and gives a wide range of options. This is used to build intranet and used for building workflow on the organization that include documents and other management systems. The share point products are being used for different other purposes including web content management system. The products that are being used as the share point are as given below:

Figure 1 - SharePoint

1.5.1    SharePoint Online

This is cloud based hosted service by Microsoft itself giving a wide range of business help for the organization. The different size of business is being facilitated by this online SharePoint service. This is like a subscription package provided for the organization for the standalone online service. The SharePoint are used by the organization for sharing documents with the colleagues, partners and customers.

1.5.2    SharePoint Foundation

This is SharePoint foundation that are found to be free for the organizations. Many different sites are found to be created by this SharePoint foundation.

1.5.3    SharePoint Server

The organizations are provided with the Microsoft servers that has many facilities including SharePoint Foundation. There are many more services provided by this server for the organization. They are business intelligence, enterprise search and other Newsfeed.

Literature Review:

The organization are provided with different options for the development of its site and intranet based applications. This can be done using number of content management services and framework. There are different types of content management with number of advantages and disadvantages. There are different type techniques that are being discussed on this report

Literature survey

The different authors that share the technique are being well studied and discussed. There are different types of content management system that are being provided by different sources with number of facilities. The SharePoint provide different type of features. These features are as given below:
·         Cloud
·         Intranet and web content management
The solutions that are open source like word press are being used by number of organization with different sizes. They use number of languages and provide different templates. These templates are being used for the development of the systems. The content management system are being featured like being Scalable and other external supports. These content management systems are made easy to use for the developers as the users providing external supports and other issues. 


The analysis of the system that is being chosen by the organization is done. There are different type of users and they require different things from the organization. The investment of the organization for this new system is being done on the basis of cost benefit analysis. The organization needs to be well organized by the content management system. Let us view the cost and benefits from the system that can be used for the organization. They are as given below:

3.1      Cost and benefits

The cost and benefits of the system are being implemented for the particular system that is being chose by the organization. The organization choses the SharePoint for the development and deployment of the system. The cost that is being invested by the organization is 50,000 $ as whole and does expect for the benefits. The total cost of the investment is being taken into account and the ownership as well.

Cost invested for the SharePoint

Deployment of the new technologies including systems and hardware
21,000 $
SharePoint server center
10,500 $
New hardware for admins
9,000 $
5,400 $
45,900 $

Table 2 - Cost Analysis for the SharePoint


The benefit analysis is being carried out and is expected by the organization that will be bring proper balance with cost. The table below give the benefits of the cost that are being invested on the SharePoint content management system.

Benefit in performance of employee with the new systems
32,000 $
Benefit from the design and increase in customers
24,200 $
Productivity of the system and the design
14,000 $
Service and the increase in use of products
4,400 $
74600 $
Table 3 - Benefit of the product and cost invested

Implementation Plan

The project are being implemented for the SharePoint. The implementation requires number of methods and procedures that are being followed by the organization. They are as given below:

4.1      Sponsorships

It is necessary for the organization to get the sponsorship for the benefits of using the service. This makes good and cost benefits analysis for the implementation of the SharePoint in the organization. The benefits of the SharePoint use isn’t well understood without the Sponsorship of the products. This gives great benefits to the organization.

4.2      Goal

The implementation is found to be easy if the goal of the organization is well understood. Hence the goal is being kept in first priority on development of the system and implementation of SharePoint. The goal and vision of the SharePoint for the organization is being well created and understood. 

4.3      Management

 The commitment is being created for the governance of the SharePoint. The management of other different sites are being followed that include environment sites and other technical maintenance.

4.4      Team

The team for the implementation plays vital role in the SharePoint deployment for the organization. The skilled and well managed team could give better set up of the SharePoint in the organization. The skill are required for the implementation of SharePoint that include building of SharePoint team.

4.5      Strategy

The implementation strategy has to be well planned and the team leader handles all the planning.

4.6      Defining of Service Operations

This is undertaken for the well monitored SharePoint environment and that creates ease for the users. The services are well defined by the help of organization admin ad other policies are being fixed.

4.6.1    Operations for the self-Adapting SharePoint

The self-adapting SharePoint provides number permission and other templates for the content managent system and its implementations.

4.7      Architecture

The architecture of the information are being well managed and understood that are required by the employee of the organization. The architecture of information is focused in this system.

4.8      Policies

The policies of the SharePoint should be fixed for the end users and the organizational level.
Keeping the SharePoint simple
The most important is making the system as simple as it could be. The system of CMS shouldn’t go to the complex level. With the simple SharePoint, it is easy to understood and develop.

Grant chart

Figure 2 – Grant chart

Risk Assessment Plan

The assessment plan for the risk is essential for each and every organization that gives a well knowledge about the risk. There is always risk in the every aspect of the business and the organization and therefor the proper risk assessment planning should be carried out by the organization for the SharePoint. The risk analysis of this project can be carried out number of approach. They are as given below:

6.1      Identifying risk involving in the project

The risk identification is the first task that is carried out by the organization in order to make it secured from other problems. There are different types of risk that are found on the project. The proper review is understood and make from the employee. These are categorized into number of risk involving deploying of the SharePoint. The task that are made to be done for the each and every developer as shown in the grant chart are to be reviewed and well understood by the risk analyzers.

6.2      Categorizing risk

Each and every risk that are identified are being categorized and well documented with the level of 3. These level of risk could determine the risk faced by each and every module that are as given below:




The risk are rated in these three values and are made to make understandable to the developer about the risk faced on the organization. This is done before the implementation of SharePoint providing the likely hood of the risk that could occur during and after the deployment.

6.3      Risk management

The certain risk that are less likely to occur could being problem in the implementation of SharePoint after or at time of deployment. The necessary steps are already documented and are even made for the risk that could occur even it low or of high priority. The organization could face number of problem when any kind of risk is occurred.

6.4      Risk monitoring

The risk that are likely to occur and are documented are being well monitored and understood by the organization. The risk on the implementation of SharePoint is made to be understandable for all the employee and necessary policies are followed for those risk not to occur. 


The organization that is implementing the new content management system is provided with the SharePoint solution. Well analysis of other system are being understood and compared with the SharePoint that are open source like word press. These open source are found to be one of the most used and free service given to the users all over the world. Although, the system are well in many issues the SharePoint has a lot more benefits and is implemented on the organization’s intranet where the employee doesn’t require much of knowledge about the web technologies.  The SharePoint is found to have minimal risk as it is all based on Microsoft and they are responsible for providing the services. In addition, the SharePoint provides the transfer of old design of the web to new web content management system. 

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