Monday, February 6, 2017

Research on Email Forensic and its security


When the email is sent over the internet, it goes through many protocols. The Email is sent from the sender and goes to the destination that is the receiver. The number of services of the internet is being used for the email to be sent and delivered to the destinations. The server plays an important role in sending an email where the email is stored and when the client is connected to the internet is gets delivered.
Let's take an example of bob and mary when Bob types the email content and sends to sending server using a protocol called SMTP. On the sending server side, it performs lookup protocol for exchanging records of receiver server. The server like DNS responds with the mail exchange server for the domain. After the mail is received by the sending server, it forwards to the receiving server. The receiver server delivers the mail to the message box of the receiver like gmail, yahoo mail.

Fig 1 - Email (sender to receiver)


The email is a system for communicating, and it requires several hardware and software. The architecture of email is composed of a several path of transfer and number of protocols are being followed. With the creation of email its life cycle begins and email passes through several entities i.e. nodes. The software on the application layer like TCP/IP defines such nodes. The email might not require the SMTP for its operation and to reach the destination. These are different components used in the architecture of email, and that is given below:

Message agent

The Message user agent is the applications that receives the mail and send the mail on the behalf of the users. There involves a mediator as well; it performs message reporting for better performance. This agent is a software package that is functional in the user side systems. The user is allowed to create, compose and read the message on it. The message agent like outlook can give the direct path of sending and receiving the mail.

Figure 1 -  Email journey with the message agents
The message transfer agents get the email when it is sent from MUA or MTA. As shown in the diagram, the SMTP is the protocol through that the email is sent from one end to the other end. The MTA receiver embeds the trace header field to the received mail on the top of the message. The protocol gives the next hop for the MTA. In these days the due to increased number of spam these have been a problem on the email servers. Hence,  the servers have made necessary changes in the protocol of sending the message and receiving.  

Email Store

It is like a database that stores the message for a longer time for message agents. The Email store is used by the message agent by two ways; They are POP and local. The organization mostly use data center for the storage of the mail that are being transferred all over the world, and it is huge on the side. The data centers keep the emails and copy of it with necessary details. The database of the particular user is maintained with all his/her email. Database managers are appointed for the mail servers, and its maintenance is done with them. This database like Virtual posts office.

Email Submission agents

It is a computer software and acts as an agent for the end user that receives the email. This agent takes the message and applies the policies of the hosting with checking off the requirements. This is done to the standard of the internet. The submission agents check the files on the email like header and message in the message field etc. The MTA can also perform the operation of MSA. When the sender sends the mail, it goes to the MSA and then to MTA of the sender. The Message is exchanged over mail and the receiver side MDA is provided with the email that can be opened on the receiver side. All these process is carried out on the internet as given in the diagram.

Figure 2 - Mail sent over the Internet

Email transfer agents

It is software that makes the email transfer from one system to other. The mail relay is software that handles the mail to be sent from one to another. It follows the mail transfer protocol. The DNS combines and connects the mail server to the domain with the help of mail exchanger.

Mail delivery agent

The mail delivery has the purpose of accepting the mail that is being delivered. The email is reached with the help IP addressing. The internet consist of the local message delivery features that is facilitated by the message transfer agent and storing mail servers. The mail delivery agents handle the delivery of the mail. The UNIX system is one of the most popular mail delivery agents in the current world.


These are nodes that operate the Email relay. It is one of the processes of getting the email from the other email nodes. It implements the protocols of packet switching and Ip Routers. The protocol is defined for finding the path to the destination on the internet that involves all the domain and the MTA and another email in fractures.

Web server

These are also nodes that implements email web server and provide web environment. This web server acts as the program that used Hypertext Transfer and its protocols. These files are served to the user as web pages to make it easier for the user to create, send, read, compose and receive the mail. It handles communication between client and server. The Pages are believed in the form of HTML. The collection of the web server is being used nowadays by the companies for the high performance of mail web servers.

Figure 3 - Collection and Collaborated Web servers

E-mail Data and Identity 

The email uses these identities, and it is being used all over the world and has unique value they are: message-ID, mailbox, domain, name and Environment id. All these are on a mail that is reached to the destination. Without these, it's not possible to communicate with email. The identity like email address contains some names where @ separates the domain name and the username. Similarly, various identity is crucial in the email and its operations. Many organization use the data from the email that are being deleted and it done with the Email data. These data are crucial in the marketing field that provides the information about the marketing. The industry keeps such raw data to get a better grasp on the information. The data are found to be at a huge amount that are all analyzed and well used for different purpose. The email identity deals with the finding of the person who is sending the email. In the security, the sense the email could have some spending that contains malicious software like Trojan horse and viruses. The sending could be hidden by thousand of the deep layer of email that is being sent over the internet. The virus forwards such email one from another and the actual sender gets too far from the detection. Therefore, the identification of such sender is necessary as security purpose as well. The technique that can be used for the identification is email reverse lookup. The email setup could also be done in order to find the actual sender from where is originated. All these are possible and are found be implemented in the email forensic by the industry that are based on security.  This data and its identity create a problem as the hackers could get into the files and use the information to the users. The information that are stored over the internet is never safe. The cloud is used for storing purpose of email and other relevant data. Cloud is made secured with some technique including encryption, decryption, and authentication. This technique is followed to get the secure access and storage of data.

Email threats

The malware is sent over the internet and is frequent. The technique is implemented to detect such intrusion. Email is one of the most used facility that are used to transfer data over the internet. The hackers target users using email. The email addresses are being sold by the organization to the commercial purpose that makes it vulnerable and public to the hackers. A Huge amount of mail is being sent for commercial purpose with information regarding advertisement of goods. The email could contain some fake website links of the bank that user uses are phished. The continuous attacks are being done with the email. The threats are on the network security.


The number of spam mail is too huge, and it covers 95% of the mail. The spam mail sender gets the information of the user from newsgroups and other web operators. These mail address are being sold to them, and they send hundreds of spam mail to a single user. The number of issues is given below:
  •          Congestion on network
  •          Clutter
  •          Virus, trojan horse, etc


The attacker does the spoofing by sending the email pretending to be some we are known with. This forging is done by sending a letter as the email with known email address. This is found to be easy and it difficult to trace.


Emai also contain the phishing sites that act as the weapon for the hacker to identity theft. This is done to get information about the banking and codes. The financial information is the main target of such email. Such email is found to be very authentic, and exactly the same page as the bank is displayed. The user who is new to such banking gets trapped on the Phishing sites and become the victims.

Email bombing

This is sending the huge amount of email over the Internet to the particular user that creates the system vulnerability. This creates overflow on the mailbox where the denial of service attack is held. This technique helps in other hacking technique for the attacks.
Mass mailing on the particular address by duplicating the same mail again and again and sent to over. This can be detected by the spam detector as it has similar function and headers.
Zip bombing is an another type of email bombing that can implement over email. This technique took popularity after the mailing servers started to check for the mail with the filtering software.

Forensic Techniques

The technique of finding the source and the content of the email is called forensic email. This technique is also the study of the all the basic information about the email. This does the preservation, documentation and extraction of the evidence on the email. This forensic technique is the science that relates the law related to the crime on the internet. There are Six categories of digital forensic that includes a network.  There are many techniques. They are as given below:

Analysis of email header

The email body has the data, and it contains the header. The header is always followed by its body. The header consists of information about the sending and the path of the message to travel it back if it doesn’t receive. Whereas some header consists of From to and the data section of headers. The very common consists of subject and CC, which is followed by the stamps and other stamps of mail transfer agents. The header always provides the routing information and hence its analysis is necessary to know about its sender. The email transfers through mail transfer agents that are stamped with a data every time mail get sent. Similarly, when one mail is sent over some persons, it gets some receiver header on it. The mail user agents set up the header, and these are in particular format. The header could be manipulated, and it is found to be, so the message is said to be forged.

Fingerprints of Sender analysis

The sending leaves some identify, and that is identified bit the tools. The receiving header field handles the email. This technique gives and finds the trace path of the message and is used in identifying of phishing.

Bait tactic analysis

It analyzes the ing source that has a picture and computer monitors. The investigation of Bait tactic is done on the <img src> tag. The email is opened, and the log containing the IP address is recorded with the host and its sender. When the proxy server is used in sending the email or the image, the Server’s IP is recorded. When the server logs are not given, the detector might use the tactic email that contains Java applet that get run on the server computer and provide the IP address to the detector.

Investigation of server and its analysis

The server that store the mail is investigated. This investigation is based on finding the server to know who sent the mail. The servers keep the record of the email and a copy of it. The log file is maintained on the server that has the information about he email sent over. This analysis is used to know where and from wich computer it was sent from. It is found that some of the servers don’t cooperate with the investigation.

Embedded identifiers analysis

These identifiers give the detail about the creator of the mail and finds the information about the composting of the mail. The information could be included in the header and other MIME contents. The investigation of the email and its sending carried out with his system gives the vital information about the sender. This information could be automatically added by the software the sender uses over to send the email.

Forensic Tools Used for Email

For the forensic of email, there are some tools available that provides the content of email and prevents the attacks. These makes the much security earlier and stop being harmful to others. These tools are being used in browsers format and many other functionalities.


It is a software one of the best among the forensic tools that perform data collaboration and access. The range of support for this software is found to be higher than others. This searches and examines the data of the email with all the necessary information for the email forensic.
The tool is used for analyzing the email data with multiple functionalities.


This software tests and lists the domain according to the priority order. The lookup for the mail sender is done against the domain’s authoritative name server. The mail servers are provided by the software. This tool also allows the IP address to against hundred of DNS.

Aid4Mail Fookes

This mail software is available in few number of editions like Home, professional and other two. The gives features as following:
  • ·         User-friendly
  • ·         Accuracy in email
  • ·         Good processing
  • ·         Separate processing for email
  • ·         Email address extraction and attachments with the country

Email Tracer

This software is implemented for the cyber forensic in India. The India is one of the most advanced countries in the field of IT industry with high number crimes being held. The development of cyber forensic tools is being developed on the basis of current issues in the Indian cyber crimes. This email tracer is developed to trace the email and its origin with the appropriate details that are needed to catch hacker or cyber criminals. The message is analyzed, and the original IP is found by this software. This software gives the completed detail about the sender including the city and other relevant information.


This tool is used for reporting the inappropriate email that are sent for commercial purpose to millions of user all over the world. This also detects such email that are fake targeting the user to click the image or the links. This tool automatically analyzes the mail and make a report that is further provided with the servers. The server blocks the mail that does such activities in abusing the users. The United States of America’s federal trade commission reads the report and take a necessary approach on such activated.
All these tools have only one target that is to find the source of the sender. A smart sender is very difficult to find, and that creates more and more problem in the email security. The detection of such activity is found to be tougher across the internet. These tools use some technique and analyze the header and whole body of the particular email. The email that contains harmful data care detected and the system is protected. Similarly, the anti-virus is also being used for the email that runs on the mailing server. It detects the virus on the email and blocks the particular mail. The mailing server also gives the facility of spam blocking and other email address or IP address blocking option. The message is properly analyzed with the tracking of IP addresses.


The information is shared through internet and email is one of the most used way of communication nowadays. The application or the web based server are used most frequently, and millions and trillions of email are being exchanged on the daily basis. The increase in some email being sent and received has also increased the security problem that is being faced by the organization that provides such facilities like gmail, yahoo, and others. The email is also being used as one of the tools to attack the other user that are connected to the internet. The email could also have sensitive information regarding the financial and other banking details. Even though the email are found to be encrypted with most advanced encryption techniques, there is a chance of its compromise that is done by using a man in the middle. The email could contain malicious software as a virus, trojan horse, etc. The number of spam has also been increased over the internet. The attackers hide over and over by applying the technique of sending email from on host to another host. All these could be detected, and the criminal can be caught that bring the stability in the internet security with related to email. The email has some fields when seen in detail. The header, body, and other sections have the information. These data fields have information regarding sender IP address and also the related information. The analysis of these fields gives the required information. The email forensic is widely used for finding such criminals over the internet and is helpful. The paper gives the detail information about the architecture of email and its life cycle.  

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