Monday, February 13, 2017

A complete Research Paper on Wireless Sensor Network and its Security

Table of content
Introduction: 3
Background: 5
WSN Constraints and Limitations: 5
Unattended Operation   7
WSN Security Requirements: 8
Data Integrity: 9
Data Confidentiality: 9
Data Freshness: 9
Availability: 10
Self-Organizing: 10
Time Synchronization: 10
Localization: 11
Authentication: 12
WSN Security Attacks: 13
Conclusion: 21
Wireless Network is growing day by day which is also causing the security an issue. Combining network with sensor for communication has given a promising development in this field of research (Zhengqiang, 2006). The leaking of data could be very sensitive problem for any company or industry. Therefore, security of wireless sensor network should be the highest priority before designing the network. There are many challenges in security of wireless sensor network these days as it varies from traditional network. The research on wireless network sensor has proven great potentiality of it to come in terms of security. In this paper a complete topic of wireless sensor network security is being highlighted and also the requirement for security in WSN.


This type of network with sensor is giving world a cheaper means of networking. As its cost is low comparatively, it could be deployed in military use as well as civilian works at large number. This has number of constrains that is low power and lack of data storage. These are only the obstacle that makes traditional wireless sensor network a difficult task to implement (H. Chan, 2003).
The wireless network sensor has number of nodes which is placed in the network containing large number of sensors (Kim, 2004). There sensors are capable of getting data from the environment as node and transferring to the base station. The environment could vary with temp, sound, vibration, pollution or motion. The environment could be hostile if it contains security measure or not.
The channels and operation which are unreliable and unattended respectively makes the security much harder. The research is being conducted to have more processing power with less use of energy in wireless sensor network. This brings the security measures to the network as well. It is observed that in traditional issues of security all the nodes are trustworthy. Therefore, the cryptographic security were introduced into the network for more security (Y. Hu, 2003). It was found the physical attacks are more effective rather than other hence the security on physical attacks requires policy. The attacks physically is being described in the below section.
There are four major categories of WSN and they are described below in the section along with the examples (Pathan, 2006). The wireless sensor network’s limitations are being described first with its resources followed by security requirement. The new security measure is taken into action in the wireless sensor network (Adrian Perrig, 2004). There are two main reason and they are severe constrains and using of low power from sensor and risk of physical risk which is node tampering and capture. These two gives wireless sensor network problem in its performance. All the limitation and security mechanism is being provided in the lower section of the report.  


WSN Constraints and Limitations:

There are many constrains and limitation involved in wireless sensor network. It is not easy to implement the already existing security measure into this wireless sensor network. This new concept of wireless sensor network requires different approach for security measure (Pathan, 2006). There are many constraints and limitation that are to be known which is described in this topic.  
Limited Resources:
For having any kind of security measure every approach need to have resources. These resources include memory, energy and code for sensors (Adrian Perrig, 2004). There is limitation on these resources as it is available only in tiny sensors of network. These limitations are as given below as memory storage and battery power.
Memory storage
The Sensors that are used in the network are tiny and it acts as device with small memory and storage. With the small storage capability, it requires powerful algorithm with small code size in the sensor memory. The TeloosB which is a type of sensor contains following features as shown in table below:
16 bit, 8Mhz RISC
With these limited amount of resources, the algorithm is injected into the software inside it for security measure.
Area of Program
Hardware type
Data and Text memory
Variable and Machine code
DMS(dynamic memory storage)
Application data storage
NON-volatile memory
Data and tables
Battery power
The energy is most important limitation in the sensor network which is wireless as it has to be powered by battery for longer time. The replacing and recharging of wireless sensor network battery has to be difficult task for security measure. Therefore the battery has to ensure the life of sensor node and the network’s all sensors (H. Chan, 2003). The consideration of energy is taken while implementing security algorithm into the network. The life span of the sensor is affected with the algorithm and battery capability. The more power is consumed by these sensor after the code’s implement is due to processing of the encryption and decryption.
Unreliable Communication
The communication that is unreliable is one of the biggest threat to wireless sensor network. The protocol gives definition to security for unreliable communication.
Unreliable transfer
The sensor network that uses packet for information transfer is connectionless. The damage of packet could be caused due to error in channel. In this case, some packets are lost. The packet damage is caused due to unreliable communication (Stajano, 2003). When there is high rate of channel error, it challenges programmer for error handling. The error handling should be done properly else there will be more packet loss and this makes the connection unreliable transfer.  
There could be unreliable communication even if there is reliable channel. It is cause due to broadcast nature of wireless sensor network. The conflict occurs when the packets collide at the middle of transfer. When there is high sensor’s number there could be major problem of conflict.  
The latency is increase due to congestion of network, processing of network and routing in multi-hop. These makes the synchronization among nodes of sensors. The sensor security requires high synchronization.  

Unattended Operation

Some of the sensor nodes could be left unattained which can be caused by its unused function required in the wireless network sensor (H. Zhu, 2004). There are following limitations for unattended sensor nodes. They are explained blow: 
Exposure to Physical attacks
When the sensor is deployed to the open places where it can be easily accessed by intruders there could be physical attacks (Pathan, 2006). This attacks could also be caused due to environment and damage important component of the network.
Managed remotely
The physical damage caused in the sensor is virtually impossible to monitor in remotely managed wireless sensor network. These includes battery, physical tempering and other. When it is used for military purpose, there is great issue for maintenance as it falls on critical zone out of reach. Once deployed these sensor has no maintained and no monitoring physical. All remote management is done.
No Central Management Point
These sensor network contains no central management point which increases the strength of wireless sensor network. The desiging plays important role which increases the effectiveness.

WSN Security Requirements:

The wireless sensor network is one of the special network which is similar to traditional network but also is equipped with advanced security measure and components. The main requirement is cryptographic key for setting up the wireless sensor network (W. Du, 2003). It is not cheap to use public key in the WSN as it has low power to use. There needs number of nodes that could vary from hundreds to thousands. The requirement of wireless sensor network is compression of both types of network that is traditional and advanced which is being described below.

Data Integrity:

It is accuracy and constancy of data. The sensors data could be manipulated with infected node in the network which harms the data integrity (Chris Karlof, 2003). Even if there is communication problem, this could be caused. The data integrity makes sure that the data is in its original state.

Data Confidentiality:

One of the most important issues in network security is data confidentially. Every network with concern to data security takes proper measure for data confidentiality. The sensor network has following data confidentiality that are given below and explained.
·         The sensor that is reading to other sensor shouldn’t be leaked by the network. The sensor node that stores data could contain high sensitive information and may cause serious damage when leaked.
·         The node in the sensor network makes the communication of sensible data possible.
·         The encryption should be done with the sensor that collects public information. This is done to ensure that the data is protected from different factors.

Data Freshness:

Data Integrity and confidentially can’t ensure that the data is protected. The data freshness is required for each message. The data is recent and no old message has passed is confirmed by data freshness. With the strategies of shared key, data freshness is used into the design of network. The shared key has to be changed with respect to time. The replay attack could be possible as it takes time for new shared key to propagate into the entire network (Pathan, 2006). The normal work of the sensor is also found to be disturbed. The time related counter is being used to prevent the network from this attack.


The wireless sensor network has to be encrypted with traditional encryption algorithm which cost may some extra. The reuse of code that were previously used on the traditional networks is done on this network (John Paul Walters, 2006). There are other approach as well to get same result. There are other approaches that limits data accuracy in the sensor network. With the use of all these strategy makes availability weaker and the reason is given below:  
·         The computation of more features in the sensor network with more algorithm that are complex makes the consumption of energy more and more. The loose in energy causes no availability.
·         The more the communication is there will be more energy consumption that causes more energy uses which results in low availability of the network.
·         The use of central point in wireless sensor network cause single point failure. This cause loose in network availability.  


The self-organizing, self-healing and independency is the main feature of wireless sensor network which is also an ad hoc network. In the wireless sensor network, the infrastructure isn’t fixed when it come for management of network (Pathan, 2006). This causes security issues to the network. The random key redistribution is used for encryption in the sensor which is symmetric. The ensuring of security in network makes the use of public key. The public key cryptography is used for security purpose.

Time Synchronization:

Time synchronization plays important role in wireless sensor network. This is used to conserve power by switching off the sensor for certain time. The collaboration of number of sensors are required for more efficiency that is done by time synchronization. The secured synchronization is required in the network for sending and receiving data as well as for multihop purpose and also to group synchronization.


The localization of sensor in the network is very important for accusing its accuracy that is done automatically. The faults in the network has to be located automatically and the network should also be designed in same way. The false signal could be sent to the network to locate the sensor that is unsecured by the attacker.
The localization is done using reference points which makes the attacker difficult the located the sensor easily. This technique is known as VM that is verifiable multilateration (Stajano, 2003). The use of distance bounding is done to locate the sensor that has faults. In this technique, the attacker has to prove that it is near to the sensor in distance bounded network. When there is large network SPINE algorithm is used. The algorithm is three phased which is purely based on multilateration. Secure range independent localization makes sure that locators are not compromised. Every locator is capable of knowing its own location. The beacon data sent by these locators makes sensor to know its exact location.  


The authentication is required to making the network more secured from attackers. These attackers are capable of changing the packet stream. Therefore, on the receiving end it should be accused that the data isn’t manipulated. The design of network makes sure that there is proper authentication for administrative task done on the network (John Paul Walters, 2006). This is used to ensure that data is sent by the verified sender. The symmetric mechanism is used to achieve authentication for these two party communication. In this technique the secret key is shared for authentication and transfer of data.
The enhanced utesla purposed by liu and Ning which broadcast the key chain commitment. These scheme provided by them has the key chain which settle with multilevel key technique (Kim, 2004). The scalable key distribution is achieved with the use of predetermination and broadcasting of multi-level key chain.

WSN Security Attacks:

There are many type attack that the wireless sensor network is vulnerable of. The attacks are DOS attack, traffic analysis, physical attack and privacy violation are mostly found. The DOS attack has the range with varies from jamming for sensor to sophisticated attacks that violates the protocol (Adrian Perrig, 2004). The DOS is found to be nearly impossible because of asymmetry power with less computational constraints in wireless sensor network. If the note is powerful it is capable of jamming the other node and prevent attacks.

The attacks are not only limited to the DOS attacks but other like takeovers, and physical attacks and routing protocols. The attacks on wireless sensor network are discussed in this section with examples and proper diagrams.
Passive attacks:
 The passive attack is the attack which is done after listening the network for long time and understanding its behavior. The privacy is gained by the attacker (Adrian Perrig, 2004). The general classification of attacks are as given below and all the sub topics are explained as well.
Monitoring and eavesdropping:
This attack is related to privacy which is discussed below in privacy attack section. It is undertaken by snooping into the network and the data being transferred (Adrian Perrig, 2004). The content being transferred could easily be discovered by the attacker. This acts against the privacy and affect the network and privacy of individual.
DOS attack and its types:
These attacks jam nodes in the wireless sensor network. The jamming refers to the radio frequency that interferes with the original signal by sensor and makes the communication stop. The jamming is found to be in two forms. They are intermittent jamming and constant jamming. The intermittent jamming makes the node to transmit message periodically over some time making the transmission slow (Pathan, 2006). On the other hand, constant jamming makes all the message impossible to transmit and blocks all the nodes. This attack completely shut down all the communication in the network.  
The other way is to attack the link layer of the network which is violating of IEEE 801.11b protocol completely. The message is being sent constantly by the attacker to generate collision which make the retransmission of affected packets. When the retransmission is too high there is chance of disrupt of power supply on the node.
Sybil Attack:
This attack is the malware device that takes number of identity. In the peer to peer network, the Sybil attack defeats the redundancy mechanism within distributed storage system that contains data. This attack is effective on data aggregation routing algorithm, voting, foiling misbehavior detection and resource allocation. All the attacks on these involves multiple identities. The generation of addition votes can be done using this attack.
Traffic analysis attacks:
There is only few base station which has powerful base and other sensors are low power typically in wireless sensor based network. The data that are generated at sensors are routed to the base station. The attacker in this case can easily attack the base station as it is known that all the data will be coming to the base station (Pathan, 2006). The attack on the node that send the packet is found by the attacker in this attack and this node is attacked to stop the transmission. The event could be generated physically by the attacker and monitored by the sensor.
Privacy attack:
The wireless sensor network is capable of producing hug amount of data after efficient deployment. There is benefit with these new technology as well as there are chances of abuse (Y. Hu, 2003). The main issue is the privacy of individual person. When the sensors are correlated by attackers they can use the privacy information against the individual which is privacy attack. The problem of panda hunter, the hunter could come to the place of panda and hurt the panda.
The information from the sensor survey is directly collected to the base station. The problem doesn’t start with the sensor but with this large volume of information and data there is vulnerability in the system. 
·         Attack by Monitor: one of the obvious attack is monitor attack in privacy which is done by listening to data. The data reveals the contents of the communication. The information that is traffic conveyed in the configuration gives all the information.
·         Attack by Traffic analysis: The monitoring and eavesdropping combine makes this attack. There is register activity when transmitting packet is between two nodes.
·         Attack by Camouflage: The attacker deploy their additional note between two notes and get the information that follows through the network.
Sinkhole Attack/Black hole:
The malicious node is introduced into the network and it is made to act as black hole. This node attacks all the traffic and messages through the network. In the flooding protocol the message in the wireless sensor network takes the shortest path to reach the destination. The sinkhole nodes makes changes to these path and take all the message to itself and destroys it (Y. Hu, 2003). The nodes that are far from this node is also equally effected and cause serious damage to the network and its communication. The diagram below shows the Sinkhole attack/black-hole attack.
Hello attack flooding:
The hello packets are introduced into network which makes the sensor convinced. It acts as weapon. The attack is done on the attacker with this hello packet which is sent to the sensors all over the wireless sensor network (H. Zhu, 2004). The sensor are made to believe that the attacker is nearby as neighbor (Y. Hu, 2003). With this information given by hello packet makes the sensor to send the message directly to the attacker. This makes network compromised and data are corrupted. 
Node replication attacks:
It is simple kind of attack when viewed normally. In this technique, an additional node is added into the network by the attacker which is done by copying the ID of one of the nodes. The performance of the network is seriously disturbed by this attack (Chris Karlof, 2003). The misrouting of packet or even corruption in it can be cause by this attack. The connection of the network with the sensor is disrupted and causes damage in package. The cryptography key can be copied by the attacker when they gets hand on the physical network. These nodes after inserting into the network makes the easy manipulation of the data sent and received and even disconnect it.
Physical attacks:
As it is known that these wireless sensor are placed in open environment that is found to be more vulnerable to environment. The destruction of there sensor is most common. This is permanent destruction and there is no recovery of sensor or the data that is being collected by it. The cryptographic algorithm could be extracted from the sensor and attack the complete network when they possess any one of the sensor.
Flooding with Probabilistic:
The node’s subset are only the part of message follow in the network along with the data. Even though the message is sent, it could be discarded by the base station. In this there are times when a lot of messages are lost within the network (H. Chan, 2003). This decreases the effectiveness of the network. This is one of the factor that makes the network weak to communicate.
Dummy messages’ flooding:
Other flooding has power to make the privacy violation but this makes the attacker to monitor all the contents in the wireless sensor network that flows (Pathan, 2006). The power to monitoring makes the attacker to understand what message is being passed and even it can make them easy to determine cryptographic key (Y. Hu, 2003). The message could be faked and made to inject into the network. And when the message is captured by the attacker, it can’t be known.
Flooding of Phantom:
This is similar concept with other flooding where number of messages are sent on the network. The message is divided into two or more and is sent through different routing. This makes hacker difficult to understand the half message (Pathan, 2006). In this case, the messages that goes through shorter path is more than other way. This creates problem with constant messaging and makes it difficult to the receiver end to collect data. The attacker is made to get the message that is fake and real message is sent through other sources to the base station. There are two phases in these messages. They are phase of walking and other one is subsequent flooding.


In this report, all the aspects of wireless sensor network security were discussed along with its requirement and attacks with detailed diagram and explanation. The attacks that the network faces are being described in each sub topic that are DOS attacks, privacy attack and physical attacks and many more. With the growth of more advance technology there is more vulnerability on the network which makes it easy for hacker and attackers. The data collected by these nodes in the network is routed to the base station and it is collectively too large. Hence, the security plays very important role in wireless sensor network. The cryptography makes sure that data are secured and it isn’t manipulated.  For additional security, adding of public key is done as described in the topic.


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