Monday, February 6, 2017

Depth Idea about SharePoint(CMS) along with case study


The content management system is one of the application that are used for the purpose of editing, publishing and maintaining the contents over the internet, intranet and extranet as well. It provides central interface to the editor and admin. This helps in the management of work that is undertaken under the collaborating environment. This content management system is based on the CMSs that are used for the logging and other web sites that implements. The enterprise content management system are designed by the organization that are mainly focused on the customers. These content management system has number of function and are well organized for doing different organized operation like editing and deleting the contents. The report is mainly based on the development of content management system offered by Microsoft that is SharePoint. Similarly, the web content management system is used for the web pages that are maintained by different company. It can be standalone application for the web page content management system.
The organization is required to have content management system. There are many options for the organization to implement content management system. As the organization has already being implementing web site. The intranet is used in the organization. There is good CSS-based pages already being implementing in the organization.


The project is to implement the content management system in the current organization. This content management system provides the flexibility to the organization. The report gives the analysis of the all the types of content management system that could be implemented in the organization. The function of all the other types of CMS including SharePoint is checked for compatibility at the current situation. The organization is also planning to provide additional basic training for the employee to implement the new content management system. All the latest CMS that are being implemented nowadays are taken into account and is compared with each other in order to determine the best content management system for the organization.

Weighted scoring model

The weighted scorning model is developed to understand the pre requirement of the organization. This can be done by using different criteria for the organization are most required and is scored with the number of content management systems. The criteria that could be taken into account in order to determine the best content management system are as given below:

The functionality of content management system

The core functionality of content management system is one of the most important assets for the organization. The organization mainly focus on the functionality that is provided by the chosen content management system. The basic functionality of the content management system. There are different activities that can be completed by the content management system and the organization needs to use all those functionality and activates. Some of the content management system doesn’t have such functionally that are required by the organization and hence it is necessary to have through knowledge of these content management systems.

The used editor for the Content management system

It is found that number of content management system use WYSIWYG. “What you see is what you get” is a phrase for WYSIWYG. The editor is used for posting the contents on the site.

Figure 1 - Editor for content management system

Managing assets of organization

These CMS are capable of handling the assets of organization that are the image and many number of content providing information. These information are vital for the organization is consisted as the assets. The content management should be chosen that can handle all these assets for the organization in most advance manner.

Searching for the contents

The most important activities that are undertaken is searching for the particular content in the site of the organization. The content management system are consisted in the basis of search speed and many other factors. The searching option is considered most for the organization.

Customization of contents

The content management for the organization has to provide flexibility with the customization of design and the content that are being published. It is found that the organization requires the content to that should be well customized with the design.

User interaction

The user interaction is considered the most for the organization as it provides the information that is important for the company. The user interaction deals with the feedback and the ratting for the organization. There could be number of user interaction that can be implemented for the organization. The organization requires interaction with the users for the content and the product that are being provided.

Roles and permissions

The organization requires to implement the content management system that could provide permission and roles for the editor and give many other permission. The roles is divided into number of members that has permission for the editing of the contents.

Figure 2 - Weighted Scoring Model

Figure 3 - Total scores

Figure 4 - Factor Comparison

Figure 5 - Overall score

Content management systems

There are many options for the organization to implement a content management system. These content management system are found to be a lot useful in different aspects. They provide different features and organization has to choose one of the content management system according to the need and requirement. The content management that are considered for the organization are as given below with the features they include from each other. The content management system that are present and is implemented by different organization are:

Open source content management system

The open source content management system is available over the internet for free and doesn’t cost anything. These open source content management system have number of feature and are found to be used at the high rate in today’s content management system market. They provide flexibility with the design and other features. These content management system provide number of options for handling the content that could be posted and used for the organization. The feature of the open source content management system are as given below:

Profit is locked in

The cost of the content doesn’t cost much. The benefits of using the open source content management system is that it can be codes and changed by the other developers as well. When choosing the proprietary content management system, the organization is provided with very less option for switching the company as the basic coding is with the company that develop the site. The open source give all the freedom to the organization.


The open source CMS are found to be updated frequently. There won’t be cost involved in updating to the new open source but few of designing is required. The word press which is being frequently used by the developer as the open source platform of developing the sites. The updating to the new style is found to be free of cost in the open source.


The open source provide good customization with the content that are used for the organization.  There are number of customization option in the open source content management system. The open source provide the template for the different types of design that reduces the effort for the designer as well. There are number of plugin that are implemented for different features which organization can use. The open source like word press come out of the box and the designing for the designing and maintaining of the contents.


There could be security issues as there content management system’s coding are found and can easily be accessed. The code could be used to understand the vulnerability in the designing of content management system of the organization. The open source content management system could be made more secured by the developer as the codes are available for the editing purpose.

Proprietary Systems

The proprietary systems are provided by the company that design the whole system of content management system. The developing company provide all the managing tools that are required by the organization and cost it accordingly. This company take the organization as the client and provide the necessary services on the basic of the package for the content management system. The company provide all the function to the organization with necessary assistance. The whole system design and coding is handled by the developer company and they give the features of troubleshooting and other implementation. The security and other measures are taken into account by this company and makes accordingly gives the services to the customers. Unlike open source the whole package is cost and for a period of time all activates and the necessary changes that could be done on the CMSs are handled. The Proprietary systems are found to be much costly for the implementation of content management system. These content management systems could vary from company to company and their policies. The required design are full filled by the company as per the organization’s choose. The license fee could be a great costly for the organization and it lacks to compute with the open source. The developer are given the more priority as they organization’s content management is purely depended on the developer.

SHAREPOINT AS Proprietary Systems

The SharePoint developed by Microsoft can be used for the web content management system. This provides much more function than another content management systems. This also give the facility of applications and enterprise collaboration platform of number of features. The SharePoint server publishing infrastructure is used for the development of the web based content management system. There are number of features one of them is page library where the pages could be stored and handled appropriately. The folder could be created for the storing purpose of the content that are to be published on the site. These library provide the features of publishing as well. The SharePoint make the used of tree structure for the organizing of the contents. Similarly, the sites are also organized by the SharePoint.

Architecture of information on SharePoint

The sites are arranged accordingly on the tree level for the publishing of the organizational information on the web. The architecture of the information plays an important in the organization’s contents. The hub page is decided from the each pages that can be called as the landing page. The page library are arranged with the other pages as well on SharePoint. The pages that are being published has its code that are stored in the page library of the main page. There is no build in features for the URL assigning and this could create problem. 

Architecture of the contents

The organization has number of different pages that are to be published on the internet. The layout is prepared for the each and every page that are to be published on the behalf of the organization web page. The content management system’s page layout of the SharePoint gives the area that can be used by the authors to publish their content for the organization. There is a great requirement of the planning before designing and implementing of the pages on the SharePoint.


There is great security issues for the site that are made public. The SharePoint gives a wide range of security for the contents on the web. The well managed security is required for the organization and the SharePoint could be made to adopt the security.


The content management system is chosen from the weighted scoring model and the score for the SharePoint is found to be high hence it is implemented in this project and the reporting. The organization that requires the content management system is able to invest an amount of 20k USD for the new content management system. The total investment is analyzed accordingly on the cost benefit basis. The cost benefit analysis is performed for the implementation of SharePoint on the organization. The cost for all the system are estimated with its benefits in certain interval of time. These cost involve the system cost and the benefits from it. The cost of the implementation of the SharePoint content management system are as given below:

Cost of the systems
Development Cost
One time investment
5,000 $
Personnel Costs
User time
2,000 $
Training cost
3,500 $
Fixed costs
SharePoint cost
1,500 $
Variable costs
System cost
5,000 $
Maintenance of the system cost
1,500 $
19500 $
Table 1 - Cost benefit analysis table
The above table describes the cost benefit of the organization implementing the content management system. The investment of the organization is utilized properly in the system of SharePoint. This gives the organization estimation of the cost that are invested for the implementation of the project. The cost given has the payback period. The benefits are identified by the implementation of the SharePoint. The benefits are achieved in certain period of time that is payback period. The payback period for the implementation of the SharePoint is 4years. The formula is used for the calculation of payback period (T).
Payback Period (T) = Development Costs (D) / (Annual Revenues - Annual Operating Costs (P))

Implementation of SharePoint

The SharePoint is implemented for the organization keeping the benefits as the primary measure. The methods and many steps are involved for the designing of the SharePoint. They implementation of SharePoint requires the following:

GOAL of the organization

The primary and most important is the goal before developing the content management system. The goal of organization should be fixed in order to achieve that the organization really want. The organization requires the old webpage to be used for the new content management system that can be early done with the help of SharePoint. The content permission should be fixed for the different authors.

Managing the contents

The content of the organization should be well management and categorized before the development. The understanding of these content management and the content should be published in the particular. The contents are the assets of the organization that should be handled properly and published.

Team for deployment

The team should be well managed and they are provided by the roles. The implementation of the SharePoint is carried out by the well organized and well trained professional. The well management team are responsible for the good deployment of the SharePoint.
Strategy of the organization
The strategy of the organization is taken into account for the deployment of SharePoint. The well management strategy is taken into account and they are as given below:
·         The new systems are brought and are fixed on the organization
·         The implementation and the design of the SharePoint is undertaken with the collaboration and through investigation of the requirement of the organization.
·         After deployment well testing should be performed for each and every module of the project
·         The content and the permission should be well tested with the strategy.

Grant chart for the implementation of SharePoint

Table 2 - Grant chart

Risk Assessment and planning

The risk planning is undertaken for the project of SharePoint in the organization. The project should be well handled that is SharePoint implementation. The analysis for the project is taken into account for the SharePoint. They are as given below:


The identification of the risk is done using collection of information from the previous project and the research for the organization. The risk could hamper the organization in great extent. The content that are published on the behalf of organization carries vital information that should be well managed. The risk could be found anywhere in the organization. The documentation of the risk is done using identification and the well analyses of the SharePoint as the content managed system for the organization.

Risk prioritization

The risks after identification are well prioritized in order to determine the involved level of risk. The risks are made to be assigned in the level of 3 that are high low and medium. The risk which has high priority are taken as the most important and handled at the top level. The risks are documented by the analysis team as high medium and low. Low level risk are taken less consideration as they are less likely to occur.

Management of risk

The risk that are assigned as the high are taken as the most dangerous for the organization and it is handled properly. The management of the risk is done by using different preventive technique and its implementation. The most important task is to manage the risk involved in the organization. Similarly, the monitoring of risk is also one of the important factors to determine the success of the project.


The SharePoint is found to be one of the best option for the organization. The SharePoint gives payback period faster than other content management systems. There are many content management system that are found to be compatible for the organization in implementing the content management system as well. The organization requires a SharePoint content management system to be used for the publishing and editing the content. The different level of permissions are provided for the admins which are assigned in the basis of content and level of the content publishing. The manager are given the right to access all the content whereas the other employee with other department are given access to the certain content of the organization. The content management system is easy to use and is found to be implemented in number of organizations all over the world. The SharePoint provides number of features that are thoroughly analyzed and its benefits are well understood by the report. The older design of organization converted to the newer one. 

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